Dr. Greg Jorgensen
(505) 891-9440
1401 Barbara Loop SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124

The Jorgensen Orthodontics Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Retainers’

Is It Normal for My Teeth to Move Immediately After the Braces Come Off?

Posted by Dr. Jorgensen on August 31st, 2014
Is It Normal for My Teeth to Move Immediately After the Braces Come Off?

There is nothing more troubling than to get your braces off and notice almost immediately that your recently perfect teeth are already moving! Is it normal for teeth to shift that quickly? Did the orthodontist do something wrong? Can it be prevented? How can these slight movements be fixed when they occur? There is nothing in your body that does not wrinkle, sag, or weaken with time. Our hair gets thin, our tummies sag, and our faces wrinkle. Is it any surprise that the alignment of our teeth changes after our braces come off? The law of entropy states that…

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Help, I’m wearing my orthodontic retainer, but my teeth are moving!

Posted by Dr. Jorgensen on February 24th, 2011
Help, I’m wearing my orthodontic retainer, but my teeth are moving!

The most exciting day for an orthodontic patient is the day that their braces come off. Getting a smile that is as close to ideal as possible can be a long and involved process, and everyone, including the orthodontist, wants that smile to last the rest of the patient’s lifetime. But is that realistic? Believe it or not, although the teeth may look great on the day the braces are removed, they will look better and be healthier a few weeks after the braces have come off. One reason for this is that the gum tissues, which suffer during treatment because…

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How Long Should My Orthodontic Retainer Last?

Posted by Dr. Jorgensen on February 16th, 2011
How Long Should My Orthodontic Retainer Last?

How long should my retainer last? While “your mileage may vary,” here are some good estimates: Thin wire retainers bonded to the backs of your teeth will eventually come loose, especially the top ones! The glue used to hold them in place just wears out as you eat, brush, floss, and play with them with your tongue. An upper bonded retainer will last somewhere between 1 and 3 years. A lower will usually last longer since is it not “in the line of fire” when you eat. Although all retainers allow some movement and change in tooth position, you should…

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3 Reasons Why Canine-to-Canine Retainers are Best for Your Lower Teeth

Posted by Dr. Jorgensen on February 8th, 2011
3 Reasons Why Canine-to-Canine Retainers are Best for Your Lower Teeth

Orthodontists prescribe many types of lower retainers for their patients. Selection of a retainer depends upon the initial problems, the age of the patient, and the desired balance of cleansability, control, and cooperation. There is no perfect retainer. Retainers that allow the best oral hygiene (those that can be removed by the patient) are also the ones that depend most upon patient cooperation. Those that require the least cooperation (those glued to every tooth) are the hardest to clean. Since there are compromises with every retainer, we strive to find the best mix of features that will best minimize changes…

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Are Bonded Retainers Right for You?

Posted by Dr. Jorgensen on January 26th, 2011
Are Bonded Retainers Right for You?

Getting straight teeth is only half the battle; the other half is keeping them straight. That is where retainers come in. Retainers come in many varieties. Unfortunately there is no one retainer that is ideal for every patient. If there were, we would all prescribe the same one for every patient. At one end of the spectrum we have permanent or bonded retainers. These are retainers that are glued to the back (or lingual) of two or more teeth. They are considered permanent because patients can’t take them in and out on their own. These retainers have the advantage of…

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